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DIY After-Sun Lotion Bars: Natural, Nourishing, and Easy to Make

Aloe Vera and Lavender lotion bar, After Sun lotion bar, aloe vera lotion, lavender lotion

Summer is a delightful season of the year, filled with sunny days and outdoor activities. But even with diligent sunscreen application, our skin can sometimes suffer a little from the sun’s intense rays. That’s why we’re sharing a simple, DIY recipe for after-sun lotion bars today.

These bars are not just simple to make, but they are also filled with natural ingredients known for their skin-soothing properties. Shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax offer a moisturizing base, while vitamin E oil works to nourish and repair the skin. Aloe vera is famous for its calming and healing properties when it comes to sunburn, and lavender essential oil offers additional skin benefits, plus a relaxing scent that’s perfect for end-of-day application.

Here’s how you can whip up these After-Sun Lotion Bars at home:


  1. 1 cup coconut oil
  2. 1 cup shea butter or cocoa butter
  3. 1 cup beeswax pellets
  4. 1 tablespoon Vitamin E oil
  5. 20-30 drops of pure aloe vera gel
  6. 20 drops of lavender essential oil
  7. Optional: 10 drops of peppermint essential oil for a cooling effect


  1. In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil, shea (or cocoa) butter, and beeswax pellets. Stir continuously until fully melted and combined.
  2. Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool slightly.
  3. Stir in the vitamin E oil, aloe vera gel, and essential oils when the mixture has cooled but is still liquid.
  4. Pour the lotion bar mixture into silicone molds or your chosen container. You could use an ice cube tray for smaller, single-use bars.
  5. Allow the bars to cool and harden completely. This could take a few hours at room temperature, but you can hasten the process by placing them in the refrigerator.
  6. Once solid, pop the bars out of the molds.

Store your homemade after-sun lotion bars in a cool, dry place. To use, simply hold a bar in your hands until it warms up a bit, then gently massage the oils into your skin. They’re a perfect, natural solution for soothing and rehydrating your skin after a day in the sun.

Please remember that while these lotion bars are wonderful for after-sun care, they do not replace sun protection. Always apply sunscreen and use protective clothing as necessary when enjoying your time outdoors.

This DIY project is not only cost-effective but also allows you to know exactly what you’re applying to your skin. Plus, these bars could make a thoughtful, handmade gift for your sun-loving friends. Happy crafting, and enjoy your sun-filled days!