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The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning background with supplies.

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home and give it a deep clean. After a long winter, it’s important to declutter, organize, and sanitize your living space to create a fresh and healthy environment. To help you tackle your spring cleaning tasks efficiently, we’ve put together a comprehensive checklist that covers every room in your home.

Check out the Quick Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Before You Begin

  1. Set aside enough time for your spring cleaning project
  2. Gather all the necessary cleaning supplies and tools
  3. Create a playlist of your favorite music to keep you motivated
  4. Wear comfortable clothing and protective gear, such as gloves and a face mask


Before diving into the deep cleaning process, it’s essential to declutter your home. This will make the actual cleaning more manageable and help you maintain a tidy space in the long run.

Tips for Effective Decluttering

  1. Start with one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed
  2. Sort items into three categories: keep, donate, and discard
  3. Be ruthless – if you haven’t used an item in the past year, consider letting it go
  4. Donate items that are in good condition to local charities or thrift stores
  5. Properly dispose of items that cannot be donated or recycled
A basket of selected clothes for donating to Charity shop standing on the bed. Decluttering Clothes spring cleaning checklist
A basket of selected clothes for donating to Charity shop standing on the bed. Decluttering Clothes

Room-by-Room Spring Cleaning Checklist

Living Room

  1. Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and window sills
  2. Vacuum or wash curtains and blinds
  3. Clean windows and mirrors
  4. Dust and polish furniture
  5. Vacuum or mop floors, including under furniture
  6. Wash throw pillows and blankets
  7. Organize bookshelves and entertainment centers


  1. Clean and organize cupboards and drawers
  2. Dispose of expired food items
  3. Clean the refrigerator and freezer, including the coils and drip pan
  4. Clean the oven, stovetop, and range hood
  5. Sanitize the microwave
  6. Descale and clean the coffee maker and kettle
  7. Wipe down countertops, backsplashes, and cabinet doors
  8. Clean the sink and garbage disposal
  9. Mop the floor


  1. Clean and disinfect the toilet, sink, and bathtub/shower
  2. Clean mirrors and shine fixtures
  3. Wash or replace shower curtains and liners
  4. Organize medicine cabinets and dispose of expired items
  5. Wash bath mats and rugs
  6. Mop the floor


  1. Wash bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and comforters
  2. Rotate and flip mattresses
  3. Dust furniture, including headboards and nightstands
  4. Clean windows and mirrors
  5. Organize closets and dresser drawers
  6. Vacuum or mop floors, including under the bed

Home Office

  1. Dust and clean desk surfaces
  2. Organize paperwork and files
  3. Clean computer keyboards and screens
  4. Sanitize phone handsets
  5. Vacuum or mop floors

Laundry Room

  1. Clean the washer and dryer, including the lint trap
  2. Organize laundry supplies
  3. Wipe down surfaces
  4. Mop the floor

Garage and Outdoor Spaces

  1. Declutter and organize tools and equipment
  2. Sweep or pressure wash the garage floor
  3. Clean outdoor furniture and grills
  4. Wash exterior windows and doors
  5. Clean gutters and downspouts
  6. Tidy up the yard and garden

Deep Cleaning Tips

  1. Use a top-to-bottom approach, starting with dusting high surfaces and ending with floors
  2. Don’t forget to clean often-overlooked areas, such as baseboards, door frames, and light switches
  3. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture allergens and fine particles
  4. Consider using natural cleaning products to minimize exposure to harsh chemicals
  5. Take breaks as needed to avoid burnout and maintain a positive attitude
Spring cleaning background with supplies.

Maintaining a Clean Home

Once you’ve completed your spring cleaning, it’s important to establish a regular cleaning routine to keep your home tidy and organized throughout the year.

Weekly Cleaning Tasks

  1. Vacuum or mop floors
  2. Dust surfaces
  3. Clean bathrooms
  4. Wash bedding
  5. Tidy up clutter

Monthly Cleaning Tasks

  1. Deep clean the kitchen, including the oven and refrigerator
  2. Wash windows and mirrors
  3. Clean and organize closets and drawers
  4. Vacuum upholstered furniture and curtains

Seasonal Cleaning Tasks

  1. Rotate and flip mattresses
  2. Clean gutters and downspouts
  3. Pressure wash exterior surfaces
  4. Declutter and organize storage areas


Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but with a well-organized checklist and a positive attitude, you can transform your home into a fresh, clean, and inviting space. By following our ultimate spring cleaning checklist and maintaining a regular cleaning routine, you’ll be able to enjoy a tidy and healthy home all year round.

Remember, spring cleaning is not just about making your home look better; it’s also about creating a more comfortable and stress-free living environment for you and your family. So, put on your favorite music, grab your cleaning supplies, and let’s get started on your spring cleaning journey!