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The Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly

The red-spotted purple is a beautiful butterfly that we see in our area from May to October.  It is fairly common and can be found in yards, parks and the country.

Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly

Its overall coloring is a nearly iridescent blue-black.  The butterfly rests on shrubs and other vegetation and slowly opens and closes its wings. 

The first time I saw one, it was resting on a plant with its wings open.  I looked at it and thought, “Okay, it’s a red-spotted purple.  Where are the red spots?”  Then it closed its wings.  “Ahh!” the spots on the closed wings were striking. 

I usually see them on shady trails, rarely in full-sun ones.Although it visits flowers for nectar, its preferred food source is tree sap. 

Larvae (caterpillars) may be found on willows, cottonwoods and related trees.  Caterpillars become pupae and overwinter, then emerge in late spring as butterflies.

Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly

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