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Birdbaths: Seasonal Magnets for Feathered Friends

Birdbaths are a magnet for birds in all seasons.  We have three around the house.  In the front yard, side yard and backyard.  During warm months the birds use the baths for drinking and bathing.  In cold months the water is used mainly for drinking, although I’ve seen birds taking baths on warm winter days.  We keep warmers in the baths in winter to keep the water from freezing.  Water dripping into a birdbath makes it even more attractive.

Birdbaths should be shallow, with a gentle slope so birds can wade into the water.  Ours are made of concrete and are heavy so they won’t blow over in our winds.  We bought them at Skiatook Statuary where they have a dozen or more designs..  Baths can be purchased at Walmart, Home Dep[t, Lowe’s and similar stores.  However, you don’t need to buy a birdbath, you can make your own using a trashcan lid, shallow pan, old frying pan, just about anything that is shallow and will hold water.

I empty ours daily because I don’t want mosquitoes to breed in them, thoroughly clean them once a week and scrub them with Clorox monthly.  Otherwise, bacteria will grow in them, and I don’t want birds to become infected from a sick bird that visited the baths.

Birds of all sizes come to the birdbaths, from tiny chickadees to large crows.

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