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Can You Raise Quail With Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide

Quail. Common quail in the autumn forest can you raise quail with chickens
Quail. Common quail in the autumn forest can you raise quail with chickens

In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of people raising backyard poultry. Many homesteads start with chickens and later consider adding quail to their coop. While raising quail alongside chickens may seem like a good idea, it is important to understand that there are several factors to consider to ensure the well-being of both species. 

So can you raise quail with chickens? No. It’s not a good idea.


Understanding the Differences Between Chickens and Quail

Before delving into the details of raising quail and chickens together, it is important to recognize the distinct characteristics of these two birds. While both chickens and quail make excellent additions to a homestead, they have specific needs and behaviors that set them apart.

Food Specificities

One of the key differences between chickens and quail lies in their food requirements. Chickens require more food per egg compared to quail. They need chicken-specific feed and cannot consume quail food. On the other hand, quail require notably less food per egg and have their own specific feed requirements. It is crucial to provide the appropriate diet for each bird to ensure optimal health and productivity.

Space Requirements

Another important factor to consider when raising quail and chickens together is the amount of space needed. Chickens generally require about 2 to 3 square feet of indoor coop space per bird, along with 8 to 10 square feet for outdoor runs. Quail, on the other hand, need about 1 square foot of indoor space and 3 to 5 square feet for outdoor runs per bird. Providing adequate space for each species is essential to prevent overcrowding and minimize stress.

Can you raise quail with chickens, quail breeding cage

People often keep quail in breeding cages such as the one above. We do not do that. Our quail are kept in a more natural environment outdoors on grass with hidey holes made from tree stumps and branches.

Size and Flight Ability

Chickens come in various breeds, with the average adult chicken weighing around 6 pounds. On the other hand, quail are significantly smaller, weighing just a few ounces when fully grown. Additionally, quail have the ability to fly, while chickens are generally flightless. This difference in size and flight ability should be taken into account when designing the housing and outdoor areas for both species.

Personality and Social Structure

Chickens are known for their distinct pecking order and social hierarchy. They establish a clear dominance structure within their flock. Quail, on the other hand, tend to have a more egalitarian social structure and do not establish a pecking order to the same extent. It is important to consider the compatibility of these different social dynamics when raising quail and chickens together.

Maturity and Reproduction

Chickens typically reach maturity and start laying eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age, depending on the breed. Quail, on the other hand, mature much faster, with some species starting to lay eggs as early as 6 to 7 weeks old. This difference in maturity rates should be considered when introducing young quail to a flock of mature chickens.

Egg and Meat Production

When it comes to egg production, chickens are more prolific compared to quail. They lay eggs more frequently and in larger quantities. Quail, on the other hand, have smaller eggs and produce them less frequently. Additionally, chickens are commonly raised for meat production, while quail are often raised for their delicate and flavorful meat. Understanding these differences in egg and meat production can help you make informed decisions about raising quail and chickens together.

Now that we have explored the key distinctions between chickens and quail, let’s delve into the practical aspects of raising these two species together.

A chicken standing in the door of a coop. can you raise quail with chickens